College Admissions Consulting

Consultants from the world's most prestigious universities: Columbia, Yale, Brown, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Oxford, and more! Gain acceptance into the colleges and universities of your dreams. 

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Offers to top 20 US & UK universities


of students accepted into one of their Top 3 schools


Student to counselor ratio

What We Do

Here at Tokyo Academics, we strive to help students reach their university admission goals through personalized one-on-one counseling. There are several pieces that go into making your college application competitive, and we can help you strengthen each part of your application while threading them together into a compelling narrative.

Shape your
application profile

Achieve academic

Identify your

Build the perfect
school list

Meet our Consultants

Here at Tokyo Academics, we strive to select the best-of-the-best to help our students reach their admissions goals. Our counselors have varied expertise as counselors, advisors, writing coaches, and mentors.

Admissions Outcomes

Most Acceptances (US) Count of Acceptances
Northeastern University 24
University of California, San Diego 23
Fordham University 21
University of Washington 17
Boston University 16
New York University 14
Santa Clara University 14
University of California, Davis 14
Loyola Marymount University 13
University of California, Berkeley 12
University of California, Santa Cruz 12
University of Chicago 12
Syracuse University 11
University of California, Irvine 11
George Washington University 10
Most Acceptances (Outside US) Count of Acceptances
University of British Columbia 24
University of Toronto 21
Keio University 17
Sophia University 15
Waseda University 12
International Christian University 10
University College London 9
McGill University 8
University of Edinburgh 6
École hôtelière de Lausanne 5
King's College London 5
Queen Mary University of London 5
University of Bristol 4
University of Leeds 4
Top National University (US) Count of Acceptances
Princeton University 2
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4
Harvard University 4
Stanford University 4
Yale University 2
University of Chicago 12
University of Pennsylvania 5
Johns Hopkins University 2
Duke University 2
Dartmouth College 4
Brown University 3
Vanderbilt University 3
Washington University in St. Louis 2
Cornell University 7
Columbia University 7
Notre Dame University 1
University of California, Berkeley 12
University of California, Los Angeles 9
Top National Liberal Arts (US) Count of Acceptances
Pomona College 3
Williams College 2
Wellesley College 1
Bowdoin College 1
Carleton College 1
Middlebury College 5
Vassar College 3
Davidson College 2
University of Richmond 4
Haverford College 3
Barnard College 2
Colgate University 2


Application for university admissions is a competitive, difficult process. With over 26,000 high schools in the US alone, and 26,000 valedictorians to match, you can’t rely on grades alone. With 26,000+ team captains and club presidents, you can’t just rely on exemplary extracurriculars, either.

For the class of 2022 – last year’s applicant pool – U.S. Ivy League schools only accepted on average 1834 students each. Harvard only admitted 4.6% of its applicant pool; only 12% of those accepted were international students.

On average, American schools have a 281:1 student-to-counselor ratio.
Each Ivy League school receives 33,000 applications on average each year.
An admissions officer reads over 850 applications each year.
Ivy Leagues have an average 7.06% acceptance rate.
International applicants are 10% less likely to be admitted.

Admissions Case Studies

The Missing Piece

The Ivy League Hopeful

The Early Starter



Senior Admissions Consultant

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Hear from our students

Find out why students and families trust Tokyo Academics to help them reach their goals!

Thank you so much for everything. You are not just a tutor but more of a mentor. You really motivated me to put in the work to achieve my goals. You taught me that achieving a goal doesn’t happen at the snap of my fingers. I have to envision my goal, set checkpoint goals, and not be afraid to fail. Although I will be leaving Tokyo, I will forever remember the grind seshes. Thank you, and I will miss you a lot.

by C.S.

TA has been my ultimate support throughout high school and it gave me tremendous academic and emotional support. It is an environment that pushes me beyond what I thought was possible but also gives me comfort through care and guidance. It has made me more confident in my capabilities while giving me the ambition to reach higher. Thank you for creating this environment for me, other students and many more students to come. I will always credit my high school success to TA and continue to appreciate the care it puts into every individual. I’m sure I will continue to rely on TA for many things and I am excited to continue this journey of achievements together! Thank you so much! See you at graduation!

by A.Y.

Never have I had a teacher so supportive and respectful. I’ve been saved by your efforts multiple times and I can never thank you enough for it. From the time we spent covering AP® World History material to helping me write college applications, I couldn’t have made it without you and your help. As I move onto college (thanks to all the help), I’ll truly miss you, the people at TA, and the office. Being able to learn from teachers like you has helped changed my life and I can’t stress enough how impactful your work is to a student like me. Again, thank you so much for all the help these past few years.

by J.K.

Wow! 11 point increase in MAP math when starting at 99%! That is fabulous. I am so thrilled with how you worked and taught Ella this year. We can’t thank you enough. You helped Ella to get a high enough score on her ACT to make it into the CTY advanced math program too. It’s been the easiest year for us family having you as her math tutor.

by Parents of A.M.

I can’t believe I’m graduating already! I swear it felt like just a few days ago when I was still attending your SAT® class at TA during the summer. You have single handedly changed my life (and I am not exaggerating that at all). When I first got to talk to you, I remember having a conversation about where I wanted to go for university and what were my plans for the future and I remember the disappointing look that you gave me when I showed you my sophomore year grades haha! From the bottom of my heart I truly want to thank you for never giving up on me and want you to know that you have the greatest role model that I could have asked for. Once again, thank you for making me the person that I am today.

by K.K.

I can say with certainty that you have had the single most significant influence in my high school career. Ever since we had our first AP®WH one-on-one DBQ lesson on October 2rd 2016 and our first group AP®WH class on November 28th 2016, you have given me tremendous support and guidance in every way possible. I guess you could say it was a major turning point in my life (haha get it). You made me genuinely enjoy learning and I really look forward to our AP®WH group lessons every week. And thanks to your amazing teaching, I did really well in AP®WH.

It didn’t take long until I became very dependent on you and your wisdom. I’ve never been able to be so honest and comfortable around a teacher-like figure until you and I think it’s because you show such an unmatched level of care for me and I was constantly thinking “what would you tell me to do?” Your profound existence and influence in my life goes beyond classrooms in TA and you’ve actually become a part of the way I think and make decisions. 

So much of my success is owed to the academic and emotional support you gave me. I can confidently say I have learnt more from you than any other teacher or counselor combined. You have a true commitment to making your students happy and is it so beyond inspiring to see you working tireless hours to share your insane intelligence with students.

by Y.A.

I can’t believe the time has come for me to write you this letter (not to mention graduate). I also can’t believe it’s been 2 years since you took me under your wise wing and started tutoring me. Tbh when I first saw you at TA, I thought to myself, “Why is he so energetic at 9 in the morning?!” Thank you for everything you’ve helped me through these past few years. I’m not even kidding, I would probably be a hella panicking teenager if it weren’t for your constant support. You’ve seriously helped me through so many hurdles in life. You’re one of my biggest role models in life, and I’m eternally grateful I got to be your student.

by N.E.

From English papers to college apps and even the occasional STEM help, I cannot thank you enough. I’ve come across my fair share of teachers – the good, the bad, and the okay. You, however, have left the greatest impact on me. You are one of the amazing ones and have continued to inspire me and a lot of my friends, even though we don’t make it too easy for you at times. You were undeniably hard on me at times, but I appreciate it so much now because you have pushed me to become a much better writer. I really credit everything I’ve accomplished and my self-confidence to you. I really don’t know where I’d be without you. You are so much more than just a tutor. I will take your lessons with me wherever I go. Thank you for always believing in me – you showed me how capable I am.

by I.H.

As you may know, AP® scores came out. I just wanted to share that I got a five on the AP® Calculus BC exam! I wanted to thank you for all the help and guidance you have given me for both AP® Calculus AB and BC. Thank you once again for all the help throughout the year.

by S.V.

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2024 FALL CLASSES are now open! These classes offer guided test preparation and grade reinforcement. With expert tutors leading focused sessions, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of key concepts, improve your test-taking skills, and maintain a steady academic trajectory.

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