Over the next 4-6 months, more data and materials will be made accessible concerning the digital SAT®, and we will assist in educating parents and counselors about what it all means.
The SAT® and ACT’s current dovetailing is about to diverge.
The SAT®’s strategy is to adapt to the times; the ACT’s strategy is to maintain the status quo. Both argue how students benefit from the paths they are each paving.
The new terrain appears to have undergone more change than any test preparation sector has seen in the past. Ensuring that the market’s demands are met will require more resources, institutional experience, technological expertise, and specialization than ever before. Our organization feels invigorated about the opportunities this creates, and TA will assist students in acclimating to the new format.
Nearly all 2024 graduates will complete their testing before the introduction of the digital SAT®. For the class of 2025, it becomes more complicated. Families and counselors should be aware of the following..
Do you want to improve your chances of getting into a top-tier university? Schedule your consultation with Tokyo Academics today!
Will colleges superscore paper and digital? Advanced Juniors will be able to take the paper exam in the fall of 2023 and the digital version of the exam again in the spring of 2024. The former will be more beneficial if it can be superscored with the latter. Since consensus is not required, College Board will endorse superscoring and individual colleges will make the final call.
If any of this changes once the College Board releases the test specifications, we will update this page.
SAT® is a trademark owned by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse Tokyo Academics.