
University of California, Irvine
(Online, In-Person)


Justin grew up in sunny San Diego, California. He took AP® classes in high school and then transferred to The University of California, Irvine to major in Aerospace Engineering. During this time, he took part in the university’s Rocket Design project working on avionics and operations. The team went on to launch a rocket up to 35,000 ft. Afterward, he went on to get a master’s degree in Aerospace and Aeronautics at the University of Tokyo focusing on computational fluid dynamics research in space fire safety.

In Japan, he taught English to kids as young as 3 years old in Eikaiwa-style lessons for 1 year. In addition, at the University of Tokyo, he peer-reviewed academic papers and provided proofreading to fellow masters and PhD students. At the Garden of English conversation program, he guided fun and interesting conversations with student and staff English learners.

During his free time, Justin enjoys playing strategy games, reading sci-fi, and driving to out of the city to do astrophotography.

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Curriculum Expertise

AP®, ACT, IB, SSAT, ISEE, SAT®, Elementary School, Middle School, High School

Subject Expertise

Mathematics, English, Science

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